Let’s get Camp Capricorn in order, shall we? With the Sun in Gemini and your regimented, healthy sixth house until June 21, you’re in “life edit” mode. As we reach the midway point of 2023, it only makes sense to review your priorities. And you’ll get plenty of help from the stars all month in figuring out how to spend your time, money and energy for maximum returns.

Retrograde high season begins in the second half of June as Saturn (June 17) and Neptune (June 30)  join Pluto in reverse gear for the next few months. Both Saturn and Neptune will backtrack through Pisces and your communication zone, helping you refine your ideas and curate your contact list. (Buh-bye slackers, users and energy vampires!)

On June 11, Pluto backs out of Aquarius and into Capricorn until early next year. Pluto has been in your sign since 2008, an extremely long (but thankfully once in a lifetime) cycle that’s been shaping your identity for the past 15 years. On March 23, Pluto moved on to Aquarius, but not permanently. Pluto will weave between Capricorn and Aquarius until November 2024, giving you a few more chances to put the finishing touches on a personal project or explore the grand existential question “Who am I?”

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Relationships take the summer spotlight this June 21, even as Pluto sends you deep into self-reflection. Right at the solstice, the Sun moves into Cancer and your seventh house of partnerships. For the next couple months, look for ways you can join forces and sync your superpowers so that everyone wins.

It’s Gemini season until June 21

Wellness check! As the Sun marches through Gemini and your systematic sixth house of health, fitness and organization until June 21, it’s prime time to revive your energy levels. After an indulgent Taurus season (and with Jupiter now in Taurus), your earth-sign nature could be tipping toward the decadent. Nothing wrong with that, Capricorn, but during Gemini season, seek the middle ground of “healthy hedonism.” Make moderation your M.O. during the week and get decadent on the weekends—or some configuration of that.

Are you on track with your goals? Your steely stamina will help you make headway during Gemini season, as long as you prioritize. Break projects into bite-sized steps, then focus on your top three agenda items each day. By the summer solstice on June 21, you could make a serious dent in your to-do list! 

Feeling overwhelmed? The sixth house rules helpful people, so don’t assume you have to go it alone, Capricorn. Delegate some items to capable assistants, then prioritize the important duties that are the best use of your time and skills.

A moment of surrender at the June 3 Sagittarius full moon

Spinning your wheels? Support could arrive as soon as June 3, when the year’s only Sagittarius full moon wings into your twelfth house of hidden agendas, closure and illusions. As this lunar light reveals what’s in the shadows, you’ll get a hint of what to release or where you can start moving in. 

Ask yourself: Where am I clinging to the past or refusing to let go? Am I swimming upstream instead of going with the flow? A “guardian angel” type could appear, but there’s a catch. You’ll need to release some control and allow the universe to guide the agenda. That can be harder than it sounds. Do your best to recognize the things you CAN actually impact and those that you can’t, and direct your energy wisely. Remember, if a person or situation is meant to be in your life, it will remain there without you clinging to it.

Pluto retrograde backs into Capricorn on June 11

Identity crisis…or life makeover? You might have a bit of both for the rest of this year starting June 11. Shadowy Pluto, the ruler of transformation and the unconscious, has been retrograde since May 1, when it began its backward slide through Aquarius and your communication zone. On June 11, Pluto will slip back into Capricorn for the rest of the retrograde, staying in your sign until January 21, 2024. Next year, Pluto will volley between Capricorn and Aquarius, finally settling into Aquarius for a 20-year run in November 2024—and won’t come back to Capricorn again in your lifetime.

Pluto’s return to your sign prompts even deeper self-analysis. Who are you and what do you stand for? You’ve been on this path of discovery since 2008, when Pluto first entered Capricorn, so by now all this self-defining work has taken shape. But you’re still a year and a half from the finish line, so the final masterpiece is not fully ready for its reveal!

While Pluto is retrograde, be careful not to be overly hard on yourself, but DO take an honest inventory of your life and choices. You might not like everything you see, Capricorn, but discovering those tricky blind spots is the key to becoming your best self. When you summon the courage to own your mistakes or dismantle self-defeating patterns, you’ll tap an unlimited source of personal power.

Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces on June 17

In the second half of the month, your ruling planet, Saturn, will turn retrograde, making you slow down and evaluate your next moves before leaping in. Saturn will backtrack through Pisces and your third house of communication, learning and the mind from June 17 to November 4. During this reflective time, you might return to school for some certifications or new skills. The best way to stay relevant is by keeping your knowledge up-to-date—so sharpen those tools!

While Saturn is retrograde, you’ll want to avoid multitasking and spreading yourself too thin. It’s a good time to go back to the drawing board around an idea or to revamp your branding and messaging if you own a business. Dust off an old piece of writing or notes from a brainstorming session. Since retrogrades rule the past, you may find gold in a project you put on the back burner.

The Gemini new moon is on June 18

All aboard the wellness wagon! The June 18 Gemini new moon opens a new chapter around your health, inspiring you to treat your body like a temple—just in time for summer. Figure out some eating and fitness habits that you can sustain throughout the season, and hopefully beyond. Even if you only add in a 20-minute daily walk and pile more fresh local veggies onto your plate, the key is to begin. Avoid overwhelming yourself with too much information, especially since this new moon will be at odds with deceptive Neptune in your communication zone.

The sixth house rules the digestive system, and maintaining proper gut health has become a serious business. From taking a daily probiotic to detoxing and testing your microbiome, there’s a range of ways you can check in on your internal system. Schedule any checkups and get your health and stress levels on track. By the corresponding Gemini full moon on November 27, your vitality could be at peak levels if you address your self-care now.

Father’s Day is June 18 in the U.S., and if you’re celebrating a favorite father figure, you might want to keep things on the low-key side. Head outdoors for some time in nature together. With this new moon in your helpful sixth house, a reminder that “acts of service” is one of the five love languages. Doing something simple to support your dad—or working on a project together—can be more rewarding than going out to a crowded restaurant or giving him a lavish gift he’ll never use. 

Summer solstice! Cancer season starts June 21

On June 21, the Sun moves into Cancer and your seventh house of partnerships, ramping up the need to be selective about the company you keep. Bring balance back to your closest bonds. A budding romance could turn serious, moving into official terrain. Maybe you’ll be ready to sign on the dotted line for a joint business ventclass="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" ure. 

Cancer season begins at the summer solstice, when the Sun reaches its peak height in the northern hemisphere and appears to “stand still” for three days. With the Sun at its farthest position away from your natal Sun (Cancer is your opposite sign—Capricorn season starts at the WINTER solstice), you may find yourself needing a short pause as well. With your personal “solar power” a little weaker than usual, lean on your inner circle for additional support when you need a break here and there this summer.

Mars-Uranus square June 25

Dramatic and explosive reactions could ignite like fireworks on class="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" June 25, when hotheaded Mars in Leo and your controlling eighth house locks into a tense square with volatile Uranus in your hedonistic and expressive fifth house. Diva antics, outsized egos and dramatic showdowns could erupt if you don’t keep your emotions in check. This is not the typical Capricorn warning, which is why it’s all the more important to heed. If you’re getting started on the summer fiestas, watch your alcohol consumption, drink lots of water and know when it’s time to make an exit. 

Neptune turns retrograde June 30

Starting June 30, Neptune will join Saturn in its retrograde through Pisces and your third house of communication and ideas. Creative ventures may need to go back to the drawing board between now and December 6 so you can test, tweak and tighten them. Conversations will work best with firm boundaries and clear expectations, so be careful you’re not misleading anyone. 

Watch for passive-aggressive behavior or a person who pretends to be on your side but may have a hidden agenda (don’t worry, they’ll reveal themselves quickly). A sibling or close friend could be acting particularly needy, perhaps because she’s going through a rough time. While it’s fine to offer emotional support, you can’t save them. Empower, don’t enable.

Time to get intimate! Both of the love planets, Venus and Mars, spend almost the entire month of June in Leo and your erotic, playing-for-keeps eighth house. Passionate Mars has been in Leo since May 20 and will be here until July 10. You’re feeling lusty and in the mood for a sensual start to summer. At the same time, the more internal part of you craves intensity and deep emotional bonding. Some Capricorns could be processing a breakup or other heavy emotions during this phase, which is favorable for doing inner work with a therapist or love coach. Mars in this possessive zone could drive up a surge of jealousy or obsession. Keep that fixating in check  now!

Things take a turn for the sultry and sensual after June 5, when gentle, affectionate Venus joins Mars in Leo, offsetting the intensity with its milder touch. Venus is here until October 8, but it could still be a rocky start because on June 5, Venus will immediately oppose calculating Pluto. Money and material matters could play into a relationship today. It could be some old, deep-seated fears about security surging up—or legitimate concerns about a love interest’s ability to support themselves. 

Well, Capricorn, you’ll get your chance to address those concerns—if not now, then next month, when Venus starts a six-week retrograde backspin from July 22 to September 3. If your trust feels shaky about anything now, you won’t be able to sweep it under the decorative area rug once Venus goes rogue. Your thoughts could trail back to an ex or a tempting dalliance.

Watch out for a stressful square between Mars and unpredictable Uranus in your dramatic, attention-seeking fifth house on June 26 as well. You might be tempted by an “extracurricular” attraction that takes you both by surprise. Enjoying the sexy chemistry is one thing, but acting on it is quite another. On this day, your normally sound judgment could be MIA.

Working harder, not smarter? With the Sun in Gemini and your efficient sixth house, there are a ton of administrative details to handle, both on the job and at home. Luckily, you’re a Capricorn, and your managerial skills make you a natural at organizing and delegating. When chaos hits, you tend to stay surprisingly calm!

From late-spring cleanups to perfecting a presentation, your to-do list could be a mile long. Since the sixth house rules helpful people, map out all your projects and outsource a few (or a few steps). Which items can go to an hourly helper or TaskRabbit, and which should be set aside for a specialist? The June 18 Gemini new moon is a fruitful day to hire or put the word out that you’re looking. While it might seem indulgent to hire people when you COULD do some of this yourself, the time (and frustration!) you save will be worth the money you invest in many cases. 

You may be considering a joint venture or a big money move as June begins. Go-getter Mars is in Leo and your eighth house of investing and financial collaborations from May 20 to July 10. Exciting partnership and growth opportunities could crop up—and with pressure-cooker Mars here, you’ll feel the urge to act on them quickly. There may be more to the story than you think, Cap. Conduct due diligence so you can move forward with your eyes wide open.

If this offer passes the “smell test,” you could be on your way to a solid partnership when the Sun moves into Cancer on June 21. Your dynamic duo zone will heat up for a month, a much better time to make a well-researched alliance official.

Love Days: 14, 18

Money Days: 26, 8

Luck Days: 23, 6

Off Days: 16, 21, 3

See All Signs

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (a.k.a. The AstroTwins) are’s resident astrologers. They have written several astrology books, including Momstrology and Supercouple, and star as the astrological matchmakers for Prime Video’s Cosmic Love. The Eduts have read charts for celebrities the likes of Beyoncé, Karlie Kloss, and Emma Roberts. For their spot-on predictions, books, and online courses, check out our horoscopes coverage or visit