People to see and places to go! The first three weeks of June will be busy, and luckily NOT with the upheaval of eclipses and Mercury retrograde, which you weathered for the past couple months. In June, you can finally settle into a more predictable routine and make headway on your summer goals. As the Sun makes its annual press tour through Gemini and your eleventh house of popularity and groups, you’ve got cosmic permission to get out, meet and mingle.

With lucky Jupiter spending its first full month in Taurus and your ambitious tenth house, your career is on an upward trajectory between now and next May. Opportunities to share your expertise and shine professionally will arrive, and your natural leadership skills could be in high demand. With go-getter Mars in Leo from May 20 until July 10, your confidence and charisma are even more magnetic. This month, bask in the attention you draw and use it for good!

At the annual Sagittarius full moon this June 3, you could captivate a new romantic prospect or meet someone who makes you swoon. Attached Leos, this is your day to dress up and get decadent with your favorite plus-one. Your talents could also draw the spotlight. 

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Retrograde high season begins in the second half of June as Saturn (June 17) and Neptune (June 30) join Pluto in reverse position for the next few months. On June 11, Pluto backs out of Aquarius and into Capricorn until early next year. Since March 23, you’ve gotten a bite-sized experience of Pluto’s transformational powers from its short trip through your relationship sector, a 20-year cycle that begins in earnest November 2024.

Power down starting June 21 as the summer solstice kicks off Cancer season. The Sun slips into your twelfth house of rest and closure, a great time to enjoy the start of summer off the grid, at the beach or in more intimate groups with people who don’t need you to be “on” all the time. Finish lingering projects and conserve your energy in preparation for Leo season, which starts on July 22. Replenish your tanks so you can celebrate your birthday in proper Leo style!

It’s Gemini season until June 21

Get out and connect, Leo. The Sun is soaring through Gemini and your eleventh house of group action until June 21, putting you in social and collective spirits. As collaborations heat up, look for synergies in your circle and ask mutual friends to make helpful introductions. While last month had a more serious, goal-focused energy, this one is also about letting possibilities unfold. Keep your eye on your big-picture mission, but don’t lead off every conversation with an agenda. Otherwise, you’ll miss out on valuable input from friends, colleagues and even perfect strangers. Hold a curious, open mind—and see what that attracts!

Passion ignites at the June 3 Sagittarius full moon

The June 3 Sagittarius full moon will spotlight your dramatic and passionate fifth house, making it impossible to hold back your feelings. Temper those knee-jerk reactions and be careful not to get caught in any ego battles today, Leo. On the plus side, this could be a beautiful and culminating moment for romance. A budding attraction may consummate into a full-blown love affair; couples could feel a romantic revival. Leos of the childbearing set could have pregnancy news under these fertile fifth-house moonbeams. Since the fifth house rules all forms of creativity, artists and performers could be recognized publicly for your talents. Lights, camera, Leo!

Pluto retrograde backs into Capricorn on June 11

Wellness check! Shadowy Pluto, the ruler of transformation and the unconscious, had been retrograde since May 1, when it began its rearward slide through Aquarius and your relationship house. On June 11, Pluto will slip back into Capricorn for the rest of the retrograde, staying in your health and organization sector until January 21, 2024. Next year, Pluto will volley between Capricorn and Aquarius, finally settling into Aquarius for a 20-year run in November 2024. 

The opportunity? Work on your own mental and physical well-being before you prioritize other people or pour energy into a relationship. After all, a healthy relationship with yourself is the crucial first step. While deep-diving Pluto is retrograde, you could have a season of soul-searching where you learn to better balance your mind, body and emotions. 

Pluto retrograde could give you a front-row seat to any control issues you’ve been quietly harboring, driven by anxiety and stress. Ask yourself, Leo: What are you micromanaging or afraid to let go of in your life? Perfectionism and body image issues can flare, and with probing Pluto in this reflective position, you could work through these with the help of a coach or therapist. 

Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces on June 17

Too hot to handle? You might take a big step back from an intense situation from June 17 to November 4, when Saturn makes its annual retrograde backspin. While the planet of maturity and tough lessons reverses through your intimate eighth house, you may decide to put a relationship on ice or tap the brakes on a fast-moving business collaboration. 

Serious Saturn might push you to get real with your finances. You could consolidate debt, pay off back taxes or dive into Investing 101. Learn how to make your money work harder for you, perhaps through passive income or affiliate partnerships. But with Saturn in slower retrograde motion, you’ll need to be doubly cautious about the risks you take. Back far away from anything risky that sounds too good to be true.

The Gemini new moon is on June 18

You’re brilliant as a solo act Leo, but could you benefit from collaborating? The June 18 Gemini new moon is an especially strong day to network and join your superpowers with an eclectic crew. Group endeavors will develop between now and the corresponding November 27 Gemini full moon six months from now. 

Don’t limit yourself to in-person alliances, Leo. The eleventh house rules technology, making this lunar launch pad a great time to make an online debut or to start the online component of a project. Set aside some time to nerd out next week and amplify your digital footprint. Get up to speed on the lightning-fast AI revolution happening or sign up for an online tutorial to boost your own tech skills if they’re not up to industry standards.

Anything with a humanitarian or socially aware mission gets bonus points at this conscious new moon. Just make sure you’re promoting a reputable cause as this new moon will be situated at a tense square to deceptive Neptune. Today also happens to be American Father’s Day—perhaps you could make a donation in a special dad’s name to a charity that’s meaningful to him. If you’re celebrating your own father, make it a group event—this new moon says “the more, the merrier.” Just heed that moon-Neptune square and curate the guest list with positive people who won’t stir up family drama.

Summer solstice! Cancer season starts June 21

Whew! This month has been full-on, from your career to your social life to your own personal mission. There hasn’t been much downtime for the zodiac’s Lion! You’ll be glad to ease into a gentler vibe starting June 21, when the Sun decelerates into Cancer and your restful twelfth house until July 22. This is a time for closure, healing and some extra shuteye as you process the previous 12 months and prepare for a fresh start with Leo season (and your birthday!). Take those vacation days, escape to the beach or get lost in a creative project while your flowy and receptive side is dialed up to its highest setting. 

Reach out for support if you’re going through a tough time or struggling to finish a difficult project. All month long, really, teamwork and a “one for all, all for one” attitude is your saving grace. ‘Tis NOT nobler to suffer and sacrifice, Leo. Everyone knows how capable you are, so don’t try to prove it at your own expense!

Cancer season begins at the summer solstice, when the Sun reaches its peak height in the northern hemisphere and appears to “stand still” for three days. Make that 30 days for you, Leo—well, as much as your superactive sign CAN be restful. You’ll be glad you conserved your power before a busy Leo season begins on July 22.

Mars-Uranus square June 25

Do we see fur flying, Leo? The end of June has a few fireworks, and you could play a key role in that drama. Combative Mars, which is in Leo, will clash with feisty Uranus in Taurus, stirring up power struggles. Whether you’re attempting to mediate between two feuding parties or standing up for your rights, there are two dates when your natural fierceness will need to be used with discernment. Your attempts to push, coerce or cajole anyone into doing things your way—or at your pace—will be met with great resistance. You could feel like an ally is thwarting or opposing you. Watch out because anger could reach a boiling point, leading to regrettable outbursts! 

Neptune turns retrograde June 30

On June 30, hazy Neptune will join Saturn in its summer retrograde through Pisces and your eighth house of merging, intimacy and shared resources. Until December 6, you may have to sort through emotional confusion or “it’s complicated”-style entanglements. Guilt and passive-aggressive manipulation may figure in—for example, maybe you’ve lent a partner a significant chunk of money, but YOU “feel bad” asking for repayment. (Saturn, the planet of adulting and boundaries, will demand that you draw a firm line!)

Be careful with real estate purchases and investments now. Foggy Neptune retrograde in your property sector can cloud your judgment, and with Saturn retrograde, there could be infrastructure issues that are being hidden from you. Neptune is related to waterworks and plumbing, so if you’re house hunting, check the pipes as well as ANY area that could have mold or water damage. If you’re selling, try some of vibe-y Neptune’s spiritual and artistic techniques, like Feng Shui and home staging to shift the energy. And if you’re moving or renting, screen potential roommates (and nearby neighbors) as your energy might not mesh as well as you initially think. The key to surviving Neptune retrograde is clarity. Spell out all terms before agreeing to anything…and don’t second-guess yourself or apologize when you do.

Let’s start with the good news, Leo—and there’s plenty of it. This month, both of the love planets are in YOUR sign, making you the zodiac’s most wanted! Spicy Mars has been in Leo since May 20, and it will be heating up your sign until July 10. With the lusty red planet here, temptation will abound—particularly with someone who stokes your desire and is direct and upfront about their own feelings. 

Romantic Venus joins Mars in Leo on June 5, settling in for an extended visit until October 8. That’s four whole months for you to be hosting Venus, which normally only stays in one sign for about four weeks. While you might just quadruple your pleasure, it’s not all purring and pleasure, alas. Venus will be retrograde in Leo from July 22 to September 3, a six-week cycle that can challenge even the healthiest relationships. 

You might just get a sneak preview of what’s to come on June 5, right as Venus enters your sign. It will immediately oppose shadowy Pluto, which is in Aquarius and your seventh house of relationships. Hidden fears and limiting beliefs around commitment could surface from you or a partner. This could foreshadow any relationship issues you may need to work through when Venus goes retrograde later this summer. Get proactive and start healing those now and you could minimize some of the Venus retrograde effect. 

Remember, Leo: Anything that comes to the foreground was already there, whether you chose to deny or acknowledge it. This could happen again on June 26, when Mars and disruptive Uranus duel with each other into a 90-degree square. At this late-month faceoff, check to see that your long-term goals and priorities are in sync. Work-related stress could compound your aggravation, so be careful not to take it out on the ones you love—or yourself! A bit of kindness and patience will go far.

No apologies and no excuses! Go-getter Mars tours Leo from May 20 to July 10 this year, helping you forge ahead fearlessly on a passion project or personal mission. Put yourself out there in a bold, leonine way—no standing on the sidelines allowed. 

Wondering why you haven’t gotten a raise or promotion? Well, first things first: Did you ASK for one? With the fearless red planet in your sign—something that only happens every two years—self-advocacy is your not-so-secret weapon. While you can get any job done during this energetic cycle, you’ll be drawn to projects that light your personal fire. Put your dreams on the front burner. This is NOT the time to sacrifice your needs to help someone else reach their goals.

That said, feel free to ignite the troops to help your vision become a reality. Until June 21, the Sun is in Gemini and your eleventh house of collaboration, putting a group endeavor in the spotlight. Rally your colleagues around a shared vision. When you put your brilliant minds together, there’s no stopping you! Take a chance on a highly original idea or one that supports a world-bettering cause. It’s an excellent time for networking, and you could have a full dance card of industry events and parties. Technology falls under the eleventh house domain. Refresh your social profiles, pound out a viral post and spread your message through digital channels.

Love Days: 3, 8

Money Days: 14, 23

Luck Days: 12, 21

Off Days: 18, 6, 10

See All Signs

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (a.k.a. The AstroTwins) are’s resident astrologers. They have written several astrology books, including Momstrology and Supercouple, and star as the astrological matchmakers for Prime Video’s Cosmic Love. The Eduts have read charts for celebrities the likes of Beyoncé, Karlie Kloss, and Emma Roberts. For their spot-on predictions, books, and online courses, check out our horoscopes coverage or visit